Apple, iPhone, News

UPDATE: Apparently the “beta test” is over, you can now trade in your Lumia for an iPhone. Sorry Nokia, nice try. In lieu of this so-called “beta test” ending, Nokia has decided to take down all their slanderous videos bashing the one company who could outsell Lumia 900 numbers with the 3GS alone. I was able to find one video still uploaded to a random YouTube, the second is the “Beta Test is Over” video. Enjoy.

Okay so now I’ve seen it all. Is Nokia REALLY coming after Apple mocking the “death grip” the iPhone 4 suffered from. That was so last model Nokia.

First, let me say that I haven’t heard of Nokia doing anything groundbreaking or amazing since they released those bricks with interchangeable face-plates. (and yes I owned one… So what!) And if your wondering, I think those throwback Nokia Phones were far better than any Symbian OS phone.

With the Lumia 900 set to release in the U.S. on April 8, Nokia has put together a “cleaver” ad campaign called Smartphone Beta Test. This phone will be no more than the title of it’s ad campaign, a beta test… While it’s comical, I can’t decide whether it’s funny because of good scripting or the fact that Nokia, NOKIA, is actually trying to go up against Apple. Bahahaha!

Second, isn’t someone showing up a little “fashionably late” to the smartphone party? They haven’t had any major successes with their other smartphones, why try to start now? I mean they’re releasing a smartphone with iPhone 4-ish specs. Does this phone really stand a chance in the game? Nokia here’s a tip, you have to go bigger and better than the newer model to achieve any leverage in the smartphone industry.

I have to admit the “death grip” ad was funny and kept my short attention span for a few minutes, but that’s about it. It’s not going to make me a believer…

I hope Nokia doesn’t expect people to buy a phone based on some envious cheap shots at the best selling smartphone…

Furthermore, I think it’s funny that the video above states it takes place in 2007. (Apparently the videos were removed…) So basically their shooting for a phone better than the iPhone 2G right? Let’s all give a warm welcome and a round of applause to Nokia. You’re finally doing something proactive with your life! ( I love the smell of fresh sarcasm in the morning.)

Now don’t get me wrong, I understand their need to bash on Android phone build quality. But to attack Apple on an outdated issue like the “death grip” is definitely a desperate cry for advertising.

On most occasions I wouldn’t bother giving cheap shot videos any extra hits on YouTube, but hopefully you’ll find these as pathetically amusing as I did.

I’m an iPhone guy, but I don’t think this Lumia has a chance against even Android phones.

What do you think?