iPad, News

Apple has been having a huge problem selling the iPad in China. Point blank, they’re not allowed to. Proview is the company that actually owns the trademark for iPad in China and they won’t let Apple have it without a fight. But what’s all the fuss about? This iMac ripoff is the root of all Apple’s problems with the iPad in China…

Above and below are pictures of Proview’s iPAD. No this isn’t a sleek tablet, it’s an “Internet Personal Access Device,” or an iMac clone. These pictures from M.I.C. Gadget are the sole reason why Apple isn’t allowed to sell the iPad we all know and love in China.

Fair? Probably not. Proview is a run-down company on the verge of liquidation and bankruptcy, so it’s no surprise they’re going after the biggest company in the world. This battle has yet to reach its end, but I thought it’d be nice to show you what all the commotion is about.

This is the iPAD's user interface...

The Proview iPAD was released in 2000, just two years after Apple released the iMac G3. If you’re curious to know what the lousy hardware specs are in this “iPAD,” according to M.I.C. Gadget,

It sports a 15 inch (800 x 600) CRT monitor, a 256MHz processor and comes along with a 32MB DRAM, 16GB DOM flash card, two USB ports, two RJ-11 jacks, a headphone, microphone and Ethernet jacks, two PS/2 keyboard/mouse ports and parallel port for a printer. In order to give you a clearer look on how is the iPAD similar to the original iMac, we’ve put both machines side-by-side.

I really feel bad for Apple about this whole situation. Having a market like China would increase the iPad’s current world domination by a lot.

Take a look at the similarities between the “iPAD” and Apple’s iMac G3…

They’re not dead on, but I’m pretty sure Proview took some design tips from the iMac…

So there you have it. This silly machine is the reason why Apple still can’t sell the iPad in China. Be sure to check out M.I.C. Gadget’s full gallery and teardown.

What do you think about this whole situation?

Source: M.I.C. Gadget