iPhone, News

Apple’s next-generation iPhone isn’t due out for a few more months and already it looks like we have pre-orders. But only if you’re in China, and only if you’re willing to shell out an arm and a leg, or maybe a kidney for it

According to Reuters, it looks like Chinese retail platform Taobao is already listing the iPhone 5 for sale. Taobao is part of the e-commerce wholesale group, Alibaba. Some retailers from the site are asking for ¥1,000 (or $160) as a deposit. Others have the bar set a little higher at ¥6,999 (or $1,000) !!

Personally I just think this is crazy. Unless you look at “Zhuji” who is asking $8,600 for “the next generation of iphone5.” What a joke right? I wouldn’t pay that much if Steve Jobs (rest in piece) came to my door to sell me an iPhone 5.

On another note, how can you secure the sale of something that hasn’t been released yet. Furthermore, an item that’s far and few between in China to begin with.

Reuters spoke with some of the Taobao retailers and noted that they plan on purchasing the devices in either the U.S. or Hong Kong and bringing them back to the mainland.

“Demand is high. Yesterday someone just bought two phones. Altogether we have about two dozen orders,” said one seller on Taobao who went by the nickname Xiaoyu.

I think this is just plain silly. Honestly the only person I would ever give that much money for a reservation to is Apple, and probably not even then…

Hopefully some of these people aren’t getting scammed.

Source: Reuters via Cult of Mac