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[Review] Cellhelmet For iPod touch 5th Generation

I still have trouble understanding why Apple doesn’t sell an accidental warranty plan (Apple Care Plus) for the new iPod touch or any iPod for that matter. The 5th generation iPod touch is $299 which is pretty darn expensive in my opinion. The odd part is, Cupertino will sell you Apple Care Plus for the $329 iPad mini. Don’t worry though, Cellhelmet has you covered … literally.

Cellhelmet now has cases for the iPod touch (4th and 5th gen) that will give you accidental damage coverage for a year. That’s right, one whole year of worry free iPodness (I realize that isn’t a word). Even if you could buy Apple Care Plus for the iPod, the Cellhelmet case would blow its pricing model out of the water.

Let’s examine some protection scenarios and their respective options:

Scenario #1

Spend $99 for Apple Care Plus, then an additional $50 for an accidental replacement/repair (should you need one). That totals out to be $150 extra that you’ve spent on a $299 iPod which equals $450 now. Congratulations,  you just paid for half of another new iPod touch.

Scenario #2

Purchase a Cellhelmet case for the iPod touch for $34.99. If you ever need a repair or replacement (one replacement with each case), you’ll pay a $50 handling fee. The total cost of your iPod touch after repair/replacement equals $383.99. The extra $84.99 (case and fee combined) is way less than half the cost of buying a new iPod.


Oh wait, “scenario #1” doesn’t even exist. Apple doesn’t sell an accidental warranty for iPods, so you guessed it, Cellhelmet is your best and only option to protect your iOS investment. Of course, you’ll be required to ship your broken iPod to Cellhelmet at their expense for the repair or replacement, but it sure beats a warranty that doesn’t exist. In my opinion, the 5th generation iPod touch is way too fragile to be left unprotected. Sure, other cases will prevent some damage and scratches, but will any of them guarantee your device? Nope. Cellhelmet for the win!

You can pick up a Cellhelmet case for the 4th/5th generation iPod touch for $34.99 here on Cellhelmet’s website. They also have cases for the iPhone 4/4S/5 as well! Also, if you use promo code MACDADDY during checkout, you’ll get 20% off your order! Go check out all the cases over at

[xrr rating=5/5]
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