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Never leave home without a Lightning cable again. The Kero Nomad is a tiny Lightning cable that attaches to your key ring and travels with you everywhere to charge your compatible iOS devices on the go. Recently, I purchased a Nomad for myself and loved it so much I decided to give you all a little review.

This is one of the coolest little products I’ve ever seen. Also, it’s Apple certified so you won’t have to worry about any compatibility issues. There’s not much more I can say about a Lightning cable that attaches to your key ring, but if you want a closer look, check out my video review above.

Currently, the Kero Nomad is available for $24.99 with free domestic shipping on Kero’s website. It’s a little expensive for something so small, but it’s definitely worth every penny for the convenience and peace of mind. Have a look and let me know what you think in the comments.

[xrr rating=5/5]