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[Review Roundup] Thoughts On Mountain Lion

Are on unsure whether or not Mountain Lion is right for you? You may just need a little push in the right direction. The new version of OS X has been getting some great reviews. Honestly it’s a great upgrade and adds much needed iOS integration…

Check out some of the latest reviews floating around the web.

Jason Snell, Macworld:

All told, I found Mountain Lion to be a stable, solid release. Even prerelease builds were far more stable than I’ve come to expect from OS X betas, leading me to wonder if Apple’s new annual schedule is leading to more careful incremental updates (with fewer bugs) rather than great leaps (with more, nastier bugs).

MG Siegler, TechCrunch:

It must be said that Mountain Lion isn’t really all that different from Lion — hence, the variation of the name (even though mountain lions are technically cougars — insert joke here). But unlike the jump from Leopard to Snow Leopard, which focused on performance and tightening code rather than features, the jump from Lion to Mountain Lion does pack some new goodies. [..]

In a time when Microsoft is just about to upend their entire OS with their biggest change (and bet) yet in Windows 8, Apple has taken a much more refined approach. Perhaps they take some criticism for this, or perhaps they’re just being savvy. OS X remains a great OS, and sprinkled with some of the best elements of iOS, it still feels pretty fresh. Not bad for an eleven year old big cat.

Nilay Patel, The Verge:

Ultimately, this is pretty easy: you should spend the $20 and upgrade to Mountain Lion, especially if you have a newer Mac. You’ll gain a handful of must-have features, and everything will get faster and smoother. I haven’t really missed Snow Leopard at all since upgrading, which is remarkable considering how much I disliked Lion.

So as you can tell, most everyone is enjoying Mountain Lion. Remember, if you’ve recently purchased a new Mac you’re able to get Mountain Lion free of charge. Find out how to get your free copy through Apple’s Up-To-Date program..

Source: MacRumors

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