Accessories, Cases

[Review] Ultra Slim Bluetooth Keyboard Case For iPad From The Snugg

If you’re looking for an inexpensive Bluetooth keyboard case for your new iPad, The Snugg’s Ultra Slim Keyboard case may be for you…

This is a typical Bluetooth keyboard case that provides functionality and protection. The case takes on the style of Apple’s Bluetooth keyboard with a sleek brushed aluminum shell and tiny white keys.

Check out the video.

This keyboard has an uninterrupted working time of 55 hours and is completely rechargeable. It comes with a USB cable for charging and will charge using your iPad’s power block. Overall it will get the job done as a functional netbook-style keyboard for your iPad.


The keyboard works as promised. It connect via Bluetooth and works great for light typing. The iPad dedicated keys work great to control certain iPad specific functions like volume, brightness, photo gallery, lock/unlock, etc… It will also connect to a MacBook.


The build quality could be better, but for $49.99 you do get a decent quality keyboard for the iPad. The plastic latches and clips feel a tad on the cheap side and it did take some getting used to as far as typing goes. The keys are super small in comparison to what I’m used to.

Admittedly, the first unit I received from The Snugg was defective. The glue was coming up and the aluminum shell eventually detached from the plastic casing. I won’t ding the review for this because they did send out an immediate replacement, but it’s certainly noteworthy. Their customer service to replace the unit was excellent and they had no problem sending out a new unit.

Final Thoughts

Overall, for the money, I think the Ultra Slim Bluetooth Keyboard Case from The Snugg is a decent value. You get a nice and stylish looking keyboard for $49.99. Because of the little caveats, I probably won’t use it on a regular basis but it’s certainly a good working keyboard.

If you’d like to purchase one I recommend buying it here from Amazon.

[xrr rating=3.5/5]
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