SiriToggles was just released in the Cydia Store and is available at no charge! Yup that’s right, it’s FREE! It enables additional functionality to your Siri enabled iDevice to do things such as enable/disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Aiplane Mode, and 3G. You can also use SiriToggle to set your screens Brightness as well! SiriToggles enables you to open any application on your device simply by saying “open” and the name of the app you wish to launch. This Cydia Tweak opens a door to some great and amazing “extra” functionality of our favorite mobile personal assistant. For more information on SiriToggles search for it in the Cydia Store. It’s listed under the BigBoss Repo. This Cydia Tweak was created by Hamza Sood which is the developer behind XCon which allows apps with jailbreak restriction to run on a jail-broken device. This tweak truly gives us the Siri functionality we have been longing for. Download it now!
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