iPhone, News

In a recent interview with CNET Sprint CEO Dan Hesse made it clear that Sprint plans to continue offering unlimited data plans to its new customer even if the next iPhone 4G LTE. It has been no secret over the years that Sprint has had a love affair with Apple iPhone. In fact since the release of Apple’s first generation iPhone Sprint has taken a pretty significant financial hit due to investing billions of dollars into the iPhone and Apple’s ridiculously high subsidy rates.

CNET reports:

If the next iteration of the iPhone arrives with LTE, Sprint will continue to offer a no-strings unlimited plan, CEO Dan Hesse told CNET. The company is already sticking with unlimited for its first batch of LTE phones, but it was unclear whether the offer would apply to next iPhone.

“I’m not anticipating the unlimited plan would change by that point,” he said. “That’s our distinctive differentiator.”

Sprint is now the only U.S. carrier offering unlimited data plans to their new customers, which is probably the only thing that is keeping them from being completely devoured by Verizon and AT&T’s larger networks. Sprint seems to be doing everything they can to promote their LTE network, which will hopefully be enough for Apple to continue their partnership with them once a fully LTE-equipped iPhone hits stores.

Sprint announced their 2012 Q1 earnings report Wednesday morning reporting 1.5 million iPhone’s sold with 44% of those coming from new customer activations.