While many customers complain about Verizon’s high prices at least it seems like their putting some of that money to good use. Yesterday Verizon announced that they will be expanding their 4G LTE availability across ten California cities as well ...
Apple, iPad
Time get excited all you hopeful 4G iPad purchasers. Looks like AT&T is expanding their reach for your new iPad! AT&T recently announced they are beginning to roll out 4G LTE to twelve more markets, and it looks like we'll see three of those come to life on April 8th. There's no official word when the remaining nine will roll out, but if your in one of the markets below, get happy or go pick up a 4G iPad!
Apple, iPad
Yesterday Australia initiated a law suit against Apple claiming the 4G marketing in conjunction with the new iPad was "misleading" to consumers. We actually had an Australian fan of our Facebook page weigh in on his direct experience with the marketing flaw: ...yeah i went out and brought the new 4g+wifi 64gb ipad was soley to get a 4g sim but nup not in Australia, so my ipad is gonna be a paper weight for a couple of years till they introduce the 4g... ...I got mine from the apple store here in Perth Australia, they surely would of known that 4G doesn't work here, I just feel ripped off... So maybe that adds a bit of reality to the situation. Now it's being reported that Denmark, Sweden, the UK, and New Zealand are keeping a watchful eye on the Australian situation, as it unfolds.
That was a quick turnaround… Just yesterday we told you about Australia coming after Apple for false advertising on the new iPad. The problem was many Australians bought the new 4G iPad, assuming they’d be privileged to 4G LTE speeds. ...
Apple, iPhone
Many people were curious as to why we didn’t see a new 4G LTE iPad on Sprint. Well in short, Sprint doesn’t currently have an LTE network. Sprint has yet to release a single device on an LTE network. After ...
Apple TV, iPad
Apparently Apple has ticked off the Australian government and has The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) coming after them for the “misleading” 4G iPad name. The government competition regulator said that it will take action against Apple for misleading ...
Apple, iPhone
With the release of the new iPad, we can more than likely expect Apple’s next generation iPhone to be dubbed “the new iPhone” and be released at some point later this year. If Apple follows their recent predictable patterns, we ...
iPad, iPhone
In May of 2011, Verizon’s CFO Fran Shammo mentioned the idea of shared family data plans but ultimately never responded to when such a thing would be available. This would allow different iPhones/iPads within a “family” share a data plan. ...