Apple, News
Apple’s Senior Vice President of iOS Software, Scott Forstall, just became a very happy man after he cashed in $38.7 million worth of Apple Stock…
Apple is planning to release their earning report for the first quarter of 2012 after the market closes tomorrow. The last few weeks have been a up and down roller coaster ride Apple shareholders, which saw an 11 percent drop ...
Global investment banking and securities firm Goldman Sachs has raised their projected price target for Apple stock up to $750 and is advising potential investors to buy into the Cupertino giant before next weeks earnings report. Analyst Bill Shope has ...
"Nanny nanny boo boo!" That's what Apple's singing right about now. Apple just officially passed up Google's stock value per share. Apple's market cap has been up past Google for a while now, but today at 12:26PM EDT, as noted by Fortune’s Philip Elmer-Dewitt. What son!
If you own Apple stock then you should be be happy camper.  Earlier today Tim Cook and CFO Peter Oppenheimer announced in a conference call that Apple will be issuing dividends and stock buybacks. If that wasn’t enough to make ...
Tim Cook could quite possibly be the most powerful man on “planet tech” right now.  He is literally the man holding the reigns to the “Post PC Revolution.”  Today Mr. Cook did his best 50 Cent impersonation by going  “Straight ...
Apple, Apple News
Earlier this week Apple reached a market cap of over $500 billion. For all you math geniuses out there that’s half a trillion dollars! Insane! In honor of this milestone I decided to make a list of things that Apple ...
Apple, Apple News
Fortune magazine released their list of the “World’s Most Admirable Companies” this morning, and for the fifth year in a row Apple sits in the number one spot.  Apple’s 5th title puts them in exclusive company with General Electric as ...