I was very upset when Apple discontinued the sixth generation iPod nano design. The design change shot down most other rumors regarding an Apple iWatch and left us with a standard mp3 player design. Don't lose hope though, according to a new rumor, it looks like we may get an iWatch after all.
The new iPod lineup is finally available! Apple officially launched the fifth generation iPod touch and the seventh generation iPod nano. Join us as we get a little hands-on examining the pros and cons about these two new devices. We ...
And you thought the unboxing videos were over … Nope. Here is Apple’s seventh generation iPod nano. I’m kind of sad that they ditched the “iWatch” design, but I think this nano is pretty darn sleek. Check out the unboxing ...
If you’ve been waiting to see what you get with a new iPod touch or nano, here’s the first fresh batch of unboxing videos. I’m sure there are many more to come throughout the week. Check out the videos and ...
It looks like Apple just released the iPod touch without warning. There are also reports that an Apple Store in Japan has received iPod stock and is currently selling them.
Rumors of an iPad mini have been in full effect lately. A keynote is rumored to happen on Oct. 17th, with a possible iPad mini launch on Nov. 2, 2012. With these dates drawing near, we decided to take a ...
As stupid as the name "Earpods" is, Apple has completely redesigned their headphones. These headphones have a much better fit to them, meaning they won't fall out as much, or at least that's the idea here...
Apple just unveiled the new iPod lineup yesterday, and I have to say, they look amazing. What does Apple give an amazing iPod? An amazing commercial.