News, Product Reviews, Recording / Music
This week I’ve been playing with one of my new favorite recording devices for iOS Devices. GuitarJack 2 from Sonoma Wire Works is an EXCELLENT interface for your iDevice. This little guy features 2 inputs and a stereo output. You ...
News, Product Reviews, Recording / Music
iRig is an adapter interface for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod from IK Multimedia that allows you to plug your guitar into your iDevice and Rock out. iRig has a super simple design and it’s so easy just about anyone ...
Pro Tools, Product Reviews, Recording / Music
The Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 is an awesome affordable audio interface. This works perfect with many DAWs including Pro Tools 9 & 10. The Scarlett 2i2 has awesome Focusrite pres built-in and sounds awesome. Along with an awesome interface you also ...
Pro Tools
Today I recieved my copy of Pro Tools 10 from Avid. I am very excited about this as there are TONS of awesome new features within Pro Tools 10. I wanted to do a quick unboxing as many people just ...
Apple News, iPhone
The App iTether was perminently pulled from the Apple App Store. Apple claimed the tethering app “burdened carriers”. Now I love Apple to death.. But who has the strong hand here? Unless the Phone Carriers have Apple by the neck, ...
Today I want to show you guy my unboxing of Reason 6. I just recieved this yesterday and I am very excited about it! Reason 6 has so many AWESOME features including, audio recording, comp editor, Line 6 guitar and ...
This weekend I had a chance to review StudioTrack by SonomaWireWorks. StudioTrack is a multi-track recording application for iPad with a twist. This application can record up to eight tracks and play them back simultaneously. The second I opened this ...
Along with reviewing StudioTrack from SonomaWireWorks, we were able to check out its little brother application, FourTrack. Fourtrack is really identical in may ways to StudioTrack except that it supports traditional four-track recording as opposed to eight tracks. FourTrack is ...