V-Control by Neyrinck is such an AMAZING app. Control Pro Tools over wifi on you iPad or iPad2. When I first downloaded this app I admit I was very skeptic. I thought, how can an iPad do a better job ...
This is a short video tutorial on how to fix / mix vocals that have undesirable qualities about them. I use a few good methods to take a vocal track in a completely different direction with certain inserts. Mixing vocals ...
This is a video tutorial to teach everyone how to make beats using Reason on a mac. Reason is a popular program made by Propellerhead software for music production. Redrum is one of the main components in Reason for making ...
In this tutorial I will show you how to use one of the featured plugins in the Antartas AVOX Vocal Toolkit called Throat. Throat has the power to literally changed your recorded voice’s virtual throat size giving your vocals a ...
Auto-Tune EFX is a simplified version of Auto Tune. It is very great to use and can get a great sounding Tuned vocal in seconds. This is just a quick little tutorial for this using Pro Tools 9 on OS ...
Create great harmonies in perfect tune with Melodyne! In this Melodyne tutorial I will show you how create artificial harmonies. Making Harmonies with Melodyne is super easy to do and sounds great in comparison to actual recorded harmonies. Melodyne is ...
Vocal polishing of the highest quality, the removal of wrong notes from piano recordings, incredible harmonic and rhythmic freedom: Celemony’s Melodyne editor is the most powerful edition of our one-track product family and offers you the entire spectrum of Melodyne’s ...
“Reason 5 is the latest version of the music program that Propellerhead software (Sweden) has developed over the last years. The type of music program has 2 different orientation points. First there is the Reason rack, which can be compared ...