In the coming weeks, Apple will unveil iOS 7 during the WWDC keynote and we can't help to keep speculating on its features. The question for this episode is: Which existing feature in iOS would you like to see Apple improve in iOS 7?
News, Podcast
Take a moment and ask yourself this question: Which Cydia tweaks could Apple implement in a future version of iOS that would remove your desire to jailbreak? I'm all for jailbreaking devices, but if there was a perfect combination of features and tweaks for iOS, what would they be?
News, Podcast
This week we take some time to discuss the rumors surrounding a redesigned flat version of iOS. Jony Ive has taken over UI design for iOS and this could mean that iOS 7 gets a complete redesign. Would a Metro style iOS 7 work? I'm kind of worried about a new design, but I guess we'll all have to wait for its official unveiling at WWDC 2013.
App News
I know it sounds too good to be true, but every day tons of great apps get discounted or even become totally free. I’ve done some digging in the App Store to put together today’s best free and discounted apps.
News, Podcast
Would you pay $600,000 for a cup of coffee with Tim Cook? No? Yes? Personally, I think that's insane, but it is for a good cause. All of the proceeds are being donated to a charity, but still, that's a lot of money for a venti mocha frappuccino.
News, Podcast
If you're the type that wears a tinfoil hat, you should probably stop using Siri. Apparently, Apple saves clips of your voice on a server for up to two years to analyze and help improve other products and services. While it doesn't bother us I'm sure there are some people who will freak out because of this. We also get into some regurgitated iPhone 5S and iPad 5 rumors.
News, Podcast
Why does Apple hate physical gaming controllers? It seems that any controller SDK or device never makes it mainstream. Sure, there's iCade controllers, but I'm talking about console-style gaming. Give us analog joysticks and tactile feedback.
App News
I know it sounds too good to be true, but every day tons of great apps get discounted or even become totally free. I’ve done some digging in the App Store to put together today’s best free and discounted apps.