There seems to be a lot talk about Apple's 20% drop in stock since its high point back in September. This drop has investors worried about the future of Cupertino, and Nightline is stirring the pot. The ABC network show recently ran a special on Apple's sudden decline and what problems could be seen in the future.
Sprint promised Apple $20 billion over a four year period when they acquired the iPhone, but this decision really impacted their financial situation. Japanese Carrier Softbank has recently purchased 70 percent controlling interest in Sprint, but what does this mean ...
With the iPhone 5 event right around the corner, Apple’s stock has risen to an all time high. With all of the other products rumored to launch by the end of this year, I have no doubt that they’ll make ...
Yeah that’s right! Apple has now become the world’s most valuable company ever. The news came this morning when Apple’s stock hit an all time high…
Yes you read the title correctly. Apple really does turn over their entire inventory every five days. Pretty insane if you think about how many devices that consists of…
Apple’s Senior Vice President of iOS Software, Scott Forstall, just became a very happy man after he cashed in $38.7 million worth of Apple Stock…
Now here’s something we don’t see everyday. It looks like earlier today Apple‘s stock dropped 9%. Surely such a thing couldn’t happen right after the new iPad was released. That would be crazy! Now don’t worry current or future investors. ...
Apple just held a press conference in regards to what the company plans on doing with it’s cash surplus. Tim Cook Apple’s CEO, and Peter Oppenheimer, Apple’s CFO held the conference at 6AM PST. Apple plans on to start a ...