Apple, iPad
Apple has done some amazing things with the Messages app in iOS 7. As you'll see the video overview, Messages now has avatars and per-message time stamps. Along with those changes, comes a welcomed design overhaul, which in my opinion, is very clean.
App News, News
A new YouTube app has made its way to the App Store today, but it's not for watching videos. YouTube Capture is a new app for iOS that allows users to easily record, edit, and upload videos.
Apple, iPhone
Yes, Apple may have given the iPhone 5 a four inch screen, but sometimes that's just not enough. This video was created by Satire, and it's definitely a funny one...
App News, News
When Apple removed the YouTube app from iOS 6 beta, the future of YouTube on iOS was uncertain. The good news is that Google has just released a YouTube app for iOS, and it’s exactly as I predicted a couple ...
App News, iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, News
When Apple released the last beta version of iOS 6, news broke that the native YouTube app had been removed. But what does this mean for YouTubers? More than likely Google is releasing an iOS app…