App News

The App Store Hit 25 Billion Downloads! Who Won??

So many of you may know that for a while now Apple has been running a contest for the person that downloads the 25th Billion App. Well the contest is over and this impressive number was hit yesterday! Some lucky iDevice owner is about to win a $10,000 gift card courtesy of Apple. Think of all the possibilities with that much money to spend on Apps!

They have yet to announce a winner but according to their website it says:

The 25 Billion App Countdown promotion has ended. Please come back to this page later to see who won.

So hopefully soon we will all know who that lucky person is who could potentially download a 99cent app a day for about 27 years or so if my math is right… Now don’t worry if you didn’t win, Apple is no strangers for contests and promotions like this. A UK woman won a $10,000 gift card for download the 10 Billionth App. Which is funny because she downloaded a free app called Paper Glider.

The current contest only took a few weeks from when the counter was posted for Apple to hit the 25 Billion mark. Pretty impressive. I’m not quite sure Android has comparable numbers…

I am also quite certain that with the release of the iPad 3 nearing and a new bunch of refreshed and “Super HD” apps available that the download numbers will skyrocket way past 25 Billion.

Maybe we’ll see another contest later this year?

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