Apple, iPad

On Wednesday, Apple announced the new third generation iPad. This includes some pretty crazy features like a beefed up processor, Retina Display, twice the RAM, and 4G LTE. But somehow Apple managed to pack the same battery life in the new iPad without dramatically increasing it’s size. This was no easy task…

According to ZDnet, the battery in the new iPad is an amazing 11,666 mAh. This is leaps beyond the iPad 2’s battery ranging in around 6994 mAh. The iPad 2 consists of mostly battery which is why it’s shocking Apple was able to increase the battery capacity. In order to accomplish this difficult task, Apple had to reinvent the battery… No Seriously…

All this points to something very significant. It suggests that Apple has managed to increase significantly the power density of the Li-ion cells that it uses. In an industry that has seemed stagnant for some time now, this is quite an achievement and goes to show that Apple’s battery research labs and manufacturing plants have been hard at work. There’s no doubt that we’re going to be seeing the fruits of this labor in other Apple products soon.

Apple has now revolutionized the battery. What more will they tackle? This is completely insane as this new technology could lead us to some pretty powerful and long-lasting MacBooks and 4G LTE iPhones. Leave it to Apple to take something as simple as a battery and completely revolutionize it into something amazing.