Apple, iPod touch

I was almost 100% certain that I qualified as an Apple fanboy. But now that I’ve seen this, I think I’m going to just give up.

Not really, but this sure does set the benchmark for “fanboyism”…

Check out the video.

Not too long ago I did a review on iWatchz iPod Nano watch. I once thought that an iPod Nano watch was about as fanboy as it gets. Boy was wrong. This guy apparently loves Apple so much he had magnets implanted in his wrist so he could wear his Nano strap free. With great pleasure I present you with Dave Hurban’s invention, iDermal. Bravo sir, you win.

If I had the guts, I’d do it…

What do you think? Over the top?

Source: You Bent My Wookie Via Gizmodo