Apple, iPad, iPhone

iOS Security and Privacy has been of big concern lately. It’s not shocking that many would be worried about having a secured phone. It’s your phone and most all personal data is stored on it. But what if you knew that someone could easily break through that security and your iPhone’s tactics to deter “evil doers” from accessing your personal information?

When you want to secure your iPhone you use passcode lock. This is a built in feature in iOS that allows you to set a secret password to help secure your device right from the Lock Screen. But apparently it doesn’t stand a chance against this software called XRY.

XRY is from the Swedish security firm Micros Systemation. This software enables someoone to download your personal data, call logs, contacts, and even keystrokes in under ten minutes. And to topit all off, XRY even works on Android.

According to Forbes:

As the video shows, a Micro Systemation application the firm calls XRY can quickly crack an iOS or Android phone’s passcode, dump its data to a PC, decrypt it, and display information like the user’s GPS location, files, call logs, contacts, messages, even a log of its keystrokes.

Micro Systemation sells your local law enforcement and military organizations this special software to crack a criminals device and download their personal data.

This is all accomplished with the same exact exploits that are used to Jailbreak your device. Don’t worry guys, this software isn’t available to the public. It’d probably be rather hard for someone to obtain a copy.

But at the end of the day, it’s kinda creepy knowing it’s that easy to hack a “secure” iOS device.

Source: 9to5mac

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