
There have been numerous iPad 3 parts floating around for quite some time and we have almost collectively caught a glimpse of the entire device. But Up until now no one had had all these parts in one place. MIC Gadget recently put out a video display a semi-complete iPad 3. All the parts that are rumored to below to the upcoming tablet are put together in one video with some pretty cool insight into the nex generation iPad. One thing is almost certain, because the iPad 3 is a tiny bit thicker then it’s predecessor Most if not all iPad 2 cases will not fit the new device. But as they demonstrate in the video, the iPad 2 smart covers are indeed expected to work with the iPad 3. So if you can’t wait until Wednesday March 7th,  check out this video and see the rear shell, front glass and a few other pieces of the puzzle finally com together in one epic video.


The music in this video is a COMPLETE 90’s throwback! hahaha made me chuckle a bit.
