Jailbreak News

[Update] iOS 5.1 Jailbreak: 2 Big Vulnerabilities Found

There’s just been a major update in the status of an iOS 5.1 jailbreak. Last week we told you about the new poll Pod2G posted on his blog asking if a jailbreak should even be released for iOS 5.1 or if the crew should hold off until iOS 6.

But it looks like the team is getting closer…

The team behind the possible release has been working around the clock trying to find the vulnerabilities necessary to push out a jailbreak to the community.

Pod2G just tweet a nugget of hope about the progress:

News: a productive week-end. Found 2 big vulnerabilities. 1 kernel land and 1 root land.

While we still have no absolute ETA for any release, things are looking good. Not to mention that over 60% of the poll on Pod2G’s blog wants them to burn 5 exploits to release an iOS 5.1 jailbreak. The poll will be up for two more days if you want to weigh in with your vote.

The certainty of any release is up in the air as of now.

Pod2G’s tweet following the one above is rather vague and kinda leans in favor of waiting until iOS 6 is released:

Too bad I have to be secret again…

We’ll just have to wait and see.

If they do release a jailbreak for iOS 5.1, it’s almost guaranteed that Apple will find and patch the exploits used before the release of iOS 6, which gets a preview at WWDC 2012 this year. But then again, it’s always possible for Apple to find them either way…

Do you think they should release a jailbreak for iOS 5.1?

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