iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Jailbreak News

Here is the video you’ve been waiting for. pod2g shows off his new iPad with an untethered jailbreak! This means one thing everyone, an iOS 5.1 untethered jailbreak is coming soon…

Check out the video…

Just hours after he tweeted his success in jailbreaking the new iPad, pod2g has now pulled off the amazing… An Untethered new iPad. Anyone excited???

For some reason with the epic music and the untethered jailbreak reboot, I got goosebumps. pod2g, you are a genius.

In the credits Pod2G even notes,

“Upcoming in a tool from ChronicDev Team”

The jailbreak will work on all devices and it’s not only a matter of time before we see a public tool. Stay tuned with us for all the news on jailbreaking the new iPad. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates!

I think I just peed my pants…

Source: pod2g’s iOS blog