Apple, iPad

[Video] “The New iPad” – Hands On – First Impressions

So today, Apple unveiled “the new iPad“. The new iPad features Retina Display, 5-megapixel rear camera, dual-core A5X chip with quad-core GPU, 4G LTE support.

This is such an amazing step for Apple. Including 4G LTE in “the new iPad” can only mean that the next generation iPhone will also include a 4G upgrade. The graphics on the new iPad are stunning and the added resolution makes for much more productivity within apps. We can’t wait to see what the developers are going to do with all this space!

Vincent Nguyen from Slashgear says:

 “It’s Resolutionary” Apple says of the new iPad, and we have to agree. We’ve just grabbed some hands-on time with the new Retina Display iOS 5.1 tablet, and the difference from the iPad 2 – which, remember, stays on sale alongside it – is vast. The pixels in the 2048 x 1536 display are, at regular arm’s length, completely indistinguishable: it’s only when you get up close that you can make them out.

Darren Murph form Engadget reports:

There’s no doubt that this here tablet feels every bit like a $500 product, oozing quality from edge to edge and being as delightful as ever to use. Is it the second coming of the tablet? Of course not, but if we’ve learned anything from the iPhone 4S, it doesn’t need to be. Apple just put an insane amount of real estate in the hands of crafty developers, and frankly, we can’t wait to see what they cook up.

Check out this hands-on video below of “the new iPad”. The device is set to be available on March 16th at Apple Stores. But in case you don’t want to deal with a “Black Friday” type event, go online to Apple’s Website and Pre-Order your new iPad today!


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