
Last week rumors spread like wildfire when Tim Cook was apparently seen at the gaming-giant Valve’s headquarters. Many, including us, jumped to conclusions on why Apple‘s CEO would be at the main offices for a company that heads up a huge market in the gaming industry.

Valve co-founder Gabe Newell recently addressed the rumor regarding Time Cook in an interview with Seven Day Cooldown

Here’s what Newell said:

We actually, we all sent mail to each other, going, “Who’s Tim Cook meeting with? Is he meeting with you? I’m not meeting with Tim Cook.” So we’re… it’s one of those rumors that was stated so factually that we were actually confused.

No one here was meeting with Tim Cook or with anybody at Apple that day. I wish we were! We have a long list of things we’d love to see Apple do to support games and gaming better. But no, we didn’t meet with Tim Cook. He seems like a smart guy, but I’ve never actually met him.

Even though this rumor was laid to rest, Cult of Mac is still sticking to the story that Apple is nearing gaming capabilities in the future.

Apple’s specific plans for gaming and its upcoming TV set remain unknown, but the company is still working on a Kinect-like video game console, according to sources.

It just seems like such a likely move for Apple to implement more gaming into their devices. I believe they could take over the gaming industry if they wanted…

What do you think about Apple and gaming?