iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Jailbreak News, News

With the next jailbreak just around the corner, there’s a few things you should know. Many people have had questions regarding the jailbreak, so MuscleNerd and pod2g decided to put together a little info sheet to help clarify everything…

The info sheet was posted on MuscleNerd’s official website. In a gist, it’s perfectly safe to update to iOS 5.1.1. And the only device this jailbreak does not support is the Apple TV 3. A release date you ask? Sometime this week if everything goes as planned…

* All info below is tentative and subject to last minute refinements

* @pod2g’s 5.1.1 jailbreak+untether is working out great. All devices are covered except for AppleTV3,1, which currently has no path for jailbreaking.

– the initial 5.1.1 plan used a kernel exploit from @westbaer which unfortunately precluded use in iPod3,1 and iPhone2,1

– @planetbeing stepped up and provided a kernel exploit that covers both of those. Those two JBers are the bomb!

* The 5.1.1 A5 JB is very similar to the A5 5.0.1 JB. @pimskeks has done a tremendous job supporting both 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 in absinthe

* Similar to 5.0.1, there will also be a 5.1.1 CLI “cinject” binary and redsn0w version of the 5.1.1 JB+untether. Absinthe, cinject, and redsn0w will all provide the same JB in different fashions.

– timing is indeterminate. Plans are for this week, but a number of factors can influence that.

* For those wishing to donate, we’ve set up a new 5.1.1 paypal URL: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4U6DQGJ2NRVUN

* Please don’t pirate AppStore apps (seriously, please do not).

So lets hope everything goes as planned. If so, by the end of the week I’ll be running Cydia on my new iPad! We also encourage that everyone donate to the team that made this possible. Every dollar counts. Like mentioned above, you can click here to donate to them! Happy jailbreaking!

Are you going to jailbreak this week?