News and Rumors for Apple TV

Apple, Apple TV
Rumors have been flying around over an Apple TV set for quite a while. While we have no solid proof on anything Apple is planning, many (including us) still speculate over rumored plans to introduce an Apple branded TV to ...
Apple TV
FireCore just announced the release of aTV Flash 1.7 for Apple TV. This new updates brings a handful of new features including integration which will track the movies / shows you watch and make recommendations for others you may ...
Apple, Apple TV
Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview is available now on the iTunes Store for rent. This comes nearly 6-months after the initial teaser video was released. The entire interview runs an hour and fifteen minutes and is available to rent for ...
Apple, Apple TV
Looks like Apple has been full of roll-outs lately. Following the iTunes and App Store’s availability in more countries is the Apple TV. Four more countries are finally able to purchase an Apple TV… 
App News, Apple, Apple TV, News
A new report is out today from stating the latest build of iOS 6 beta for Apple TV allows the user to organize the icons on screen. This could be beneficial and allow you to organize the apps you ...
App News, Apple TV, iPhone, News
As many of you may know, Apple’s recent announcement of the new Flyover feature and turn-by-turn navigation in iOS 6 Maps will only be compatible with certain devices. Unfortunately the iPhone 4 isn’t on the compatibility list. Luckily we have ...
Apple, Apple TV
Welcome to the fan appreciation giveaway! This giveaway is for either an Apple TV 3 or a $100 iTunes gift card! You get to choose which one you win! This giveaway will end on June 17th, 2012 at 5:00PM PST ...
Apple TV, iPad
iOS 6 brings many new features to Siri, along with support for the new iPad. Today we had a chance to dig in and check out Siri on the new iPad first hand…