Learn the latest on Jailbreaking, Cydia Tweaks, and more with your Apple Devices!

iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Jailbreak
If you’ve been having trouble getting Absinthe 2.0 to work on your update Mac running Mountain Lion, there’s a good reason for it. It’s no compatible yet. With this quick tutorial you’ll be up and running in no time…
Cydia Tweaks, News, Tech / Repairs
I was recently faced with a horrid issue. I was sent out a replacement iPhone 4S from Verizon and it had an ugly yellow tint to the screen. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy. Luckily there’s a solution in Cydia…
Cydia Tweaks, Jailbreak, Jailbreak News, News
With yesterday’s release of Absinthe 2.0, we decided to put together a couple tutorials on how to jailbreak your devices. This one covers the process of jailbreaking an iPhone 4S / 4. While all these methods are identical, sometimes it’s ...
Cydia Tweaks, Jailbreak, Jailbreak News
If you haven’t heard, Absinthe 2.0 is out and you can now jailbreak the new iPad! This is spectacular news, and the process is super simple. In case you need help, we made a video just for you explaining the ...
Cydia Tweaks, Jailbreak, Jailbreak News
Well everyone, Absinthe 2.0 has officially been released! This will allow you to easily jailbreak your device with the click of a button! Check inside for all the details…
Cydia Tweaks, Jailbreak, Jailbreak News, News
Whenever a new jailbreak comes out that can only mean one thing. Your probably missing out on different features that came along with the recent iOS update. While it’s not required for you to backup, it may be desirable to ...
Cydia Tweaks, News
SwipeSelection is a brand new, innovative Cydia tweak that allows you to quickly and efficiently edit text on your iOS device much better than the native tools present on your jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod. Check out the video…
Cydia Tweaks
Awesome iOS 5 Tweaks for April 10, 2012 Aero Curiosa SMS Timestamp Usefullcons Fusion/Furi Feel free to leave a comment. Which Tweak is your favorite? www.iphonecaptain.com Thanks, Mitch