If you've been wondering what makes the iPad mini so great, this video should give you a really good idea on why you want to buy one. Well not really, but it's hilarious and I suggest you watch it.
SNL makes us fanboys look like whining little babies. Are our iPhone 5 problems really that bad? This one will make you laugh.
If you were one of the many to camped in front of an Apple Store on the iPhone 5's launch day last week, be glad you didn't run into this guy. Awesomeness TV pulled a prank on some unsuspecting iPhone buyers that you can't miss. It's pretty darn funny.
Yes, Apple may have given the iPhone 5 a four inch screen, but sometimes that's just not enough. This video was created by Satire, and it's definitely a funny one...
This is definitely a video you should watch. Conan slams Samsung in a skit revolving around the iPhone 5. He attempts to go hands on with Apple’s newest iPhone, but hits a snag along the way…
This is the funniest thing I've seen all week. An experiment was conducted to see if people could be tricked into thinking an iPhone 4S was an iPhone 5. It worked...
Here's the second installment in S%$% Apple Fanatics Say. It's pretty funny, but totally true. I know I've said at least one (or ten) of these lines at some point in my life..