This is definitely something from the future. Apple's recently published patent reveals a slap bracelet iWatch design with a flexible display that wraps around your wrist. Just think, you could display a neon '90s design/pattern on it and turn it into a retro bracelet.
Apple has just won the three week trial against Samsung for patent infringement and now both of them have released official statements. I think Samsung is taking this one a little hard…
Amazing news in the Apple vs. Samsung trial has hit the press. After deliberating for three days, the jury has ruled in favor of Apple. Samsung you’ve been officially pwned by Apple. Thank you for making my day Samsung…
The Apple vs. Samsung case is currently underway, and Apple is taking it very serious. During the opening statement, Apple’s attorney started a wonderful slideshow showing Samsung’s massive design shift post-iPhone release…
Yes I know what you’re thinking, “oh great, another Apple / Samsung story.” You couldn’t be more correct. This time Apple is suing Samsung for $2.5 billion in the ongoing patent battle between the two tech giants…
Looks like some of the Apple and Samsung battles are coming to an end. Apple has recently won an expanded ban on the Galaxy Tab 7.7…
Recently, a U.K. judge ruled in favor of Samsung in the Galaxy Tab 10.1 case. The judgement was that Samsung did not rip off the iPad’s design and that Apple had to “advertise” for Samsung stating that the Galaxy Tab ...
Earlier today we told you about some interesting photos that had surfaced of the original iPad prototype. The decade-old device was actually the foundation of which the iPhone was built on. Now some new pictures have surfaced comparing the prototype ...