Android, Android Wear
What do you think a smartwatch should do? There are a handful of important features that every smartwatch should have, but will they all live up to these simple expectations? Join Austin Evans, David Rahimi, and myself as we discuss the top 5 must-have smartwatch features.
Android, Android Devices, News, Samsung
This is Samsung's new smartwatch. The build quality is excellent, but its biggest limitations are software and battery life. For an in-depth look at what comes along with this new smartwatch, check out the video overview above.
Android, Android Devices, Podcast, Samsung
Today, we're talking about Samsung. I know, it's a bit different than our usual conversation, but it's important to take a look at Apple's main competition. Samsung is on the rise with the Galaxy S4 and Note 3. Recently, the new Galaxy Gear smartwatch was released and this products really puts a fire under Apple to deliver a solid "iWatch." Check out our video podcast above or download the audio version below.
Android, Android Devices, Podcast, Samsung
On Sept. 4, 2013, Samsung unveiled its new Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. In my opinion, this anticipated device is very underwhelming, but at the same time, raises the bar even more for Apple's rumored iWatch. I say this because people will now expect even more from Apple's rumored smartwatch, but will they be able to please the masses?
News, Podcast
Today we're kicking off the first of many live stream podcasts on YouTube. Of course, The 'A' Word will still be available via iTunes and here on the website, but we wanted to gain a little more person to person interaction in our show, and doing it live, is the best way! In this episode we discuss the iWatch, talk about the new Jobs movie, and also answer some questions live.
With an iWatch on the horizon, we can't help but speculate on its possible features and functionality. Other companies have been successful at bringing a smart watch to the market, but how will Apple compete?
Accessories, News, Product Reviews
Today, we're taking a look at Pebble's menus, features, and settings. This video should give you a good look at what Pebble has to offer through its operating system.
Apple, News
This is definitely something from the future. Apple's recently published patent reveals a slap bracelet iWatch design with a flexible display that wraps around your wrist. Just think, you could display a neon '90s design/pattern on it and turn it into a retro bracelet.