Well that didn’t take very long. Yes there is a developer only jailbreak (which is tethered) out already. But don’t jump the gun yet, this iOS 6 tethered jailbreak isn’t as complete as you’d probably like it. Actually it’s useless ...
Yes you read that correctly. MuscleNerd has already jailbroken iOS 6 beta on an iPod Touch 4th Gen. This jailbreak is not public though and don’t expect it for a while. The good news is that they’re making progress…
If you’re one of the many who purchased an iPad 2 since the new iPad was released, more than likely you have iPad 2,4. This model was the only remaining iPad waiting on compatibility for the Chronic Dev Team’s jailbreak ...
On Friday the Chronic Dev Team released Absinthe 2.0. This tool is used to jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 across virtually all devices. The recent release has already far surpassed the first version of Absinthe's jailbreak numbers...
With yesterday’s release of Absinthe 2.0, we decided to put together a couple tutorials on how to jailbreak your devices. This one covers the process of jailbreaking an iPhone 4S / 4. While all these methods are identical, sometimes it’s ...
In jailbreak community there are only a handful of people involved that bring us the freedom and liberation of a jailbreak that we’ve come to enjoy. We hear so much about these “iOS hackers” but really who are they. Now ...
If you haven’t heard, Absinthe 2.0 is out and you can now jailbreak the new iPad! This is spectacular news, and the process is super simple. In case you need help, we made a video just for you explaining the ...
During the Jailbreak Live event at the Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam, Absinthe 2.0 was released. pod2g and the “dream team” also took the time to explain exactly how to jailbreak works its magic…