Another crazy update, this time via pod2G’s blog. This is a direct quote from his blog but it says we should be able to free our devices in a matter of hours. That means this is dropping today!! Thank you ...
It appears the Dev-Team Blog has made yet another post about the forthcoming untethered jailbreak for iPhone 4S and iPad 2. This is all great news! With a Blog post title of, “Corona A5 jailbreak nearly ready to pop!” We ...
According to the latest blog posting from @pod2G, they has achieved an untethered jailbreak for iPad 2. This is GREAT news. There wasn’t much more information than that posted though. So I’m guessing this means we are only a few ...
Okay guys, so it looks like pod2G has finally cracked the code on jailbreaking the iPhone 4S and possible all A5 devices. A video has been uploaded by a Chronic Dev Team member showing off a freshly jailbroken iPhone 4S. ...