The fourth installment of the OS X Mountain Lion developer preview was recently released and with that came some changes in security. Looks like Apple is taking recent Mac Trojan vulnerabilities very serious with some new features for Mountain Lion…
Since the beginning it was the consensus that Macs just don’t get viruses. Apple has used the lack of infections in many marketing campaigns to influence consumers in buying a Mac over a PC. As we all found out a ...
Remember the nasty Flashback Trojan that infected over 600,000 Macs worldwide? Flashback is now known to have been the biggest Mac infection to date. Luckily it was stopped a couple weeks back by a release from Apple that killed the ...
Since the outbreak of the Flashback Trojan many have had reasonable concerns for their security when it comes to a Mac. The Mac has been overly known for being safe from viruses, malware, and other computer issues. Lately it seems ...
A recent study found that 20 percent of Macs actually harbor Windows malware. Now this doesn’t mean that they are infected, but that instead they store the malware which can be transmitted to Windows computers via emails or a flash ...
The Flashback Trojan has been making headlines recently with it’s mass infection of over 600,000 Macs. But with recent updates Apple had hoped to clear some ground in regards to the number of infected computers in the world. Thankfully they ...
Apple has released a new Java update that will effectively remove the Flashback Trojan we’ve been warning you about. This update is available now through Software Update for all Macs Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion. Download it Now by clicking ...
Have you been worried if you’ve been infected with the recent Flashback Trojan that has infected 600,000 Macs worldwide? Lately there’s been a lot of different ways to detect the Flashback Trojan, but nothing has shown the “easiest method for ...